Interested in Learning About 4-H?
4-H is a community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering. New friendships are made, new skills are developed and members become leaders and help to shape their communities.
In Cooke County, we have over 200 4-H members & adult volunteers in 10 different clubs. The 4-H membership year begins August 15 and goes through August 14 of the following year.
A list of county clubs, their adult leader(s) contact information, club meeting location, dates and times is provided below. Phyllis Griffin is the Cooke County 4-H Extension Agent, overseeing the 4-H and youth development program in Cooke County. She can be reached at:
940.668.5416 or her email is:
Click on the Link Below for County Club Contact and Meeting Information
Cooke County 4-H Clubs for 2022-23 is being updated, come back and check July 1st. Call or email Phyllis Griffin at the number and link above for the most current information.