Need help providing a safe and healthy home for your family. Here are some things that you might find useful:
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Food and Gardening
Create a casserole Use this simple chart to create a casserole using ingredients from your pantry.
Have more fresh food than you will use within a few days? Learn to safety freeze foods from the National Center for Home Food Preservation. You can also find the latest recommendations on canning here as well.
Need help planting a Vegetable Garden. Easy Vegetable Gardening Series might be of assistance to help you grow your favorite vegetables. Remember some varieties can be ready to harvest within 30 to 45 days.
Limited on space to grow your own vegetables? There are many household items that can be used to contain your garden on your patio or even a window. Find out more information about Container Gardening here!
Don’t forget to check out our Dinner Tonight site for many nutritious family friendly recipes.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Need help with cleaning when cleaning supplies are scarce. Bleach is a common disinfectant but make sure you are using it properly by protecting yourself with good ventilation, and never mix with other cleaning agents, especially ammonia. Your eyes should never burn when using bleach. If they burn you have used too much. Find out more about the safe use of bleach here. The CDC also offers some useful tips about how to Clean and Disinfect during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The best way to use bleach is 1 tsp to 32 ounces of room temperature water and replace the solution after 24 hours. Spray it on a surface and allow to sit for 2 minutes before wiping. Make sure you label the bottle clearly with the word “BLEACH” to avoid it being mistaken for water and sprayed into hair or other non-bleachable surfaces.
Mental Health
Let’s not forget our Mental Health. Feeling blue is normal during trying times, but be watchful for signs of stress in ourselves and others. Here is some great information from the CDC on Mental Health During a Traumatic Event. If you are feeling like you might harm yourself please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and talk to someone who can help you. If you need immediate help, call 911.
Even when practicing Social Isolation, call and check on your friends. It’s nice to know someone is thinking of you!