Having your soil, water or forage tested can be very helpful.
Cooke County AgriLife Extension Service has a supply of testing materials and forms available in our office and we will get you going in the right direction to ensure your test sample is collected correctly. Any sample collected must be mailed to Texas A&M.
You can access the forms by following the links below, or simply come by the Extension Office and we will be glad to supply you with what you need to get started. The Texas A&M Testing Laboratory has a lot of useful information and it can be accessed by clicking on the link below:
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Soil, Water & Forage Testing Laboratory
Forms for Soil, Water & Forage Testing
These forms are available at the Extension Office, but if you prefer, you may print them out from the provided links below. All samples must be submitted in a bag or tube. Those supplies are available at no charge from the Extension Office.
2018 Urban & Homeowner Soil Test Form
The laboratory at Texas A&M accepts Visa & MasterCard charges. If you would like to use your credit card to pay for your analysis charges, please complete the credit card form and ship it with the appropriate submittal form(s).